Tuesday, 6 January 2009

The new year dawns

Yes, it actually dawned a few days ago! We haven't quite got excited about 2009 yet. Even though there's plenty to be excited about.

Busy cleaning, busy packing, busy trying to finish the office work. Why is it that all those things you didn't do because you didn't have time all have to be done when you have even less time? How can you say no to people in need because you haven't done things that must be done before you change appointments? I can't!!!

Why is it that everything that could go wrong does when you have the least amount of time to deal with it??

How do you stay focussed on what really matters when so many things need to be done? I'm not the biggest Hillsong fan in the world but I like to watch some of their TV show on Sunday mornings. Pr Brian Houston has been talking about time. He gave three things to pray for when you're overwhelmed, Space, Clarity and Revelation.

That's good advice!