Sunday, 3 June 2007

Successes and failures

Throughout life we are faced with both successes and failures. Ministry is no different. There are people who respond to the call of the gospel and there are those who don't. There are those who allow us to pastor them and others who just don't relate to us or trust us at all.

Last week I wrote about a growing congregation. It seems that almost every time I write about new people coming or successes, I can guarantee either a poor congregation numerically or people leaving or a failure of some sort. On Sunday after well over a month of larger than average congregations we had dropped back by a third and most of those who were missing were the new people. Jennifer's children's message was adapted to big kids. The Youth Bible study also had less people than normal, despite an excellent guest speaker. Sunday School didn't even operate due to the absence of the children.

So are these failures or smaller congregations being used to teach me something about humility. Sometimes I think so! Then after a period of soul searching I recall that it is God that I glorify in the telling of the Doncaster story. For He is the one who has brought the people to His church. It is not my doing in any way, shape or form. Most of the people I invite haven't actually come.

Perhaps it is the result of the Evil One's work in order to frustrate some great plan of God's. Then I remember that he is a defeated being through the Cross of Jesus. Other times I realise that this is just part of life and ministry in an age where commitment is viewed differently. Church is OK unless there is a better offer.

Lord Jesus, build your Church!

1 comment:

Brian's Blog said...

Psalm 118:14
God's my strength, he's also my song, and now he's my salvation. (Message)