Monday 15 January 2007


Today (Jan 15) we celebrated our 26th Wedding Anniversary. Some of the details of the ceremony and the day have become a little hazy. Others are very clear.
We made our vows before God, our family and friends in the hall that I had grown up in, on the platform that 2 years earlier I had been farewelled from to enter the Training College. These were serious vows. We were committed to each other for life and to share in winning the world for Jesus.
Lots of things have changed in those 26 years. That Salvation Army Hall is no longer owned by The Salvation Army. My home corps no longer exists.

But some things remain constant, God's grace, our love for each other and our commitment to winning the world for Jesus are three important constants.

I just don't understand how Christians can say that they no longer love each other. Don't promises mean anythig anymore.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!

Wow! 26 years - doesn't time fly passed - it seems like only yesterday.

Thanks for the welcome to the division - we may catch you tomorrow night at the welcome!

Say Hi to Jenny from us!